Video Production: A Timeline

You might not know everything that goes into a typical video production shoot. Learn more about our production process.
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August 23, 2021


Storyboarding is key to any successful video project. Once we’ve outlined goals and deliverables with our clients, we’ll get to storyboarding. This is a creative process that involves outlining what our video goals are and what we need to accomplish them. We want to make sure we have a plan before heading into a shoot. Once we have a finished storyboard, we’ll go over it with our client in order to make sure we’re all on the same page. Sometimes we get to throw ideas around with the client, and beef up our storyboard a little more. After we’re all satisfied with what we’re filming, we’re ready to get into pre-planning.


The day before a shoot, we’ll make sure that everything is ready to go. This includes charging all of our batteries, clearing all of our cards, and making sure we know what we’re bringing. We have a lot of gear, so we want to nail down exactly what we’ll need for this specific shoot and how we’re going to pack it. This is especially important if we’re flying to our destination - nobody wants to deal with overweight luggage at check-in! Once we’re certain we have everything we’ll need for the shoot, we’re ready to roll.

The Shoot

On the day of the shoot, we like to get on-site a little early to scope out the area and make sure everything is ready to go without any hiccups. We want to get a good scene prepared, and the extra time helps us try a couple options out and decide on what we’re going to settle on. We’ll get our cameras and lights set up, as well as the audio gear we’re using to record for the shoot. Then we’ll prep our actors or interviewees, and get things rolling. Film day is a great time, but we want to make sure we get everything done right on site, so that we don’t have to make too many corrections in post. Because of this, we’re extra careful that everything looks and sounds right as we’re filming. Once we’re finished shooting, we pack up and head back to the office!


After the shoot is when things start to get really fun. We upload all of our raw footage to a cloud storage system, and then get started cutting it together. Whether it’s one video or multiple, we get to work through all the footage, find our best clips, and polish them up. This is also where we get to be even more creative, and really bring our project to life. Diving into our music, color grading, and post-production effects is a really fun step that can make or break what the finished product looks like.


Being able to turn raw footage into a polished video that we can be proud of is one of my favorite parts of video production, and it’s always great to see a client happy with a project that we’ve delivered! Ready to see what PHENYX’s video production looks like for your business? Reach out today and let’s get started!

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August 23, 2021
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